So you were looking for Windows 8 password hacking tool. Never found any interesting post; right?

Now here I'm back with 100% working Windows 8 password hacking tutorial

So what are you looking at start downloading tool and proceed step by step

Step 1

Download Tool [click here]
Now Extract downloaded tools where ever you want

Step 2

Open appropriate folder x64 or win32 suitable for your Operating System

Step 3

Run mimikatz as a Administrator
on Firewall notification select "Yes"

Step 4

Now this screen will be displayed


Step 5

To Check privilege is given or not enter the code below:-
You should get result like below image

Step 6

If you get privilege as image above now you are ready to get password
now Enter the command below to get the password
 sekurlsa::logonPasswords full
there is space after passwords 
 Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial :) please comment your feedback