Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:30 AM

Remove Write Protection from USB Drives

You’ve got your trusty USB flash drive plugged into your computer, and you go to copy some files to it.
Open diskpart
This is your USB stick, you should be able to read, write and do whatever you want with it!

Don't worry you can fix it 
Yeah! How to do this???

Saturday, April 12, 2014 6:02 AM

Mobile Charger That Can Power-Up Your Smartphone in 30 Seconds

Going for a meeting or for a party and your Phone's battery discharged? Oops! 

Yes, I know this happens with most of us once in a day or I can rather say all of us. Smartphones are smart enough but not that smarter as expected keeping in mind today’s lifestyle.

Facebook Trick you might not know

Facebook Tricks

1) Posting Blank Status/Comment and sending Blank message

Using numerical key pad type alt+0173 and press enter to send message

If you wan't to hang someones PC or mobile using Facebook use similar trick
type alt+0173 shift+enter for several times and copy that many times as you can and send to your friends

WiFi Hotspot in Windows 8 without any softawre

To create a WiFi Hotspot in Windows 8 you need to perform some cmd commands in order to activate the hotspot and turn your computer into modem internet sharer. Here are the commands used in step by step:

 this is not my tutorial i found this in someones blog. I would like to thanks him:

  1. Search for CMD then click Run as Administrator to run the command prompt with administrator privileges
  2. Run the following commands one by one:
 netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=zx3r1 key=password

 Note: Change zx3r1to the SSID (name) of your wifi and password to the key you want to use.

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

3. The last command with "show" parameter will show you if the network was created successfully or not, here's an example of what it outputs:

4. Done! You just created a WiFi hotspot, now search for it using your iPhone, iPad, Android device or another Computer equipped with a Wireless adapter.
Here you've set up hotspot but if you connect to it you'll see that it is limited.
here is how to share internet over your hosted hotspot
  1. Goto Network and Sharing Center
  2. goto Change Adapter Setting
  3. now you'll see "Local Area Connection* 4" or may other with your ssid in my case its zx3r1
  4. now rightclick and open properties
  5. On Sharing tab check on "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection"
  6. Select Appropriate Home networking connection
  7. From setting select Web Server(HTTP)
in my case I've Local Area Connection 2 Which has current internet connection

share this to your friends too :)

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