Before you go to this section it is required you to read first tutorial
Wifi Packet Capturing and Session Hijacking using Wireshark 1

Step - 7 

Now Setting up New configurations by typing these commands. 
“ifconfig eth0 up”  
“ifconfig at0 up” 
Description -  
ifconfig stands for interface configurator. ifconfig command is used to configure network interfaces. ifconfig is widely used to initialize the network interface and to enable or disable the interfaces.  

Step -8

Now it’s turn on MITM Interface by typing this command 
“ifconfig mitm up”  

Description –  
ifconfig stands for interface configurator. ifconfig command is used to configure network interfaces. ifconfig is widely used to initialize the network interface and to enable or disable the interfaces. 
By Default Interface we created is down, we need to put it up.

Step – 9 

Now send the deauthentication packets to the router by typing this command
“aireplay-ng - - deauth 0 - a 94:44:52:DA:B4:28 mon0”   

Description –  
Aireplay-ng is used to inject frames.  
The primary function is to generate traffic for the later use in aircrack-ng for cracking the WEP and WPA-PSK keys. There are different attacks which can cause deauthentications for the purpose of capturing WPA handshake data, fake authentications, Interactive packet replay, hand- crafted ARP request injection and ARP-request reinjection. 
We use 0 for continuous Flooding of packets. We use 1 for Single Flooding of packet. 
-a represent bssid of the victim network. 94:44:52:DA:B4:28 here is a bssid of the victim network.

Step - 10

Now it’s time to assigning the IP to all victims by typing this command
“dhclient3 mitm&”   OR  “dhclient3 mitm &”  

Description –  
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to a computer from a defined range of numbers (i.e., a scope) configured for a given network. 

Step – 11 

Now you can check the client connected on the 5th Terminal where you create Fake Access point.

Step – 12 

Start your Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool by typing this command 
“wireshark&”   OR   “wireshark &  

Description –   
 Wireshark is an open source tool for profiling network traffic and analyzing packets. Such a tool is often referred to as a network analyzer, network protocol analyzer or sniffer.

Step – 13 

Now Select the Interface (at0) and click on START

Type “http contains POST” and you can see that all packets be in your sniffing tool

and you'll get user name and password :)
Happy hacking